Thomas William Jolley
Laura (Clark) Jolly
Information on Thomas William Jolley Family (Family Tree)
Born: 1850
Died: 1911
Married: Laura E. Clarke
1. Mary Margaret Jolley
Born: 1890-Died: 1975
Notes on Mary Margaret Jolley
"Margie" was born in Mt. Airy, NC and is buried in Rock
Hill, SC. She was the daughter of Thomas Jolley and Laura E. Clarke.
Thomas Jolley was murdered when she was young.
She was orphaned and lived with the Beasley family in Mt Airy, NC. At the time the Beasley family
owned a tract of land that included Pilot Mountain (later sold to the State Of
North Carolina). Margie sold milk and
butter during the depression years. She married Archie Foster Davis in 1909.
They farmed and owned a Meat Market on Main St. in Rock Hill, SC
(Davis Photos) (Davis Family Tree)
Photo and information furnished by Steve Davis
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