
Origin of the Crowell Name

The Crowell name has descended from two different lines: English (originally Cromwell) and German (originally Grauel or Krauel) 1. Over the generations the name evolved several variations in spelling (Kroul, Krowl, Croul,Crowl, Crowel).  The spelling Crowell first appeared in the 1700's.

Our family, descendants of Annie Crowell, are from the German line. The earliest record we have found is Hans Krauel/Grauel 2 (1625-1666) from Schluchtern, Hessen, Germany. Johan Peter Grauel, grandson of Hans was born in Germany and later lived in the Netherlands.  At the age of 26 he immigrated to America in Nov. 1742 via the ship "Loyal Judith" based in Rotterdam, Netherlands. Peter first came to Rowen County, NC then to Mecklenburg County, N. C. where he died in 1793. During this time Peter Grauel changed his name to Crowell and his five children all were named Crowells. The Krauel/Grauel family records were originally kept in German until they moved to NC. Peter's will was written in the late 1700's in a mixture of Dutch and German. The family was Lutheran by religion.

Peter married Kadarena (Catherine) Thousand in 1725 in Pennsylvania. The earliest court record of Peter Crowell was a deed dated 10 Dec.1762 in Mecklenburg County, NC, of 100 acres of land on Buffalo Creek sold to Conrad Haraha by Peter and wife Catherine for the sum of 12 pounds. His will was also probated in Mecklenburg County in 1763.

See: Crowell Family Tree

[1] Note regarding spellings Krauel/Grauel: The letter G and K were often interchanged, because in some dialects they sounded the same.

[2] The family appears to have used both spellings interchangeably!