
Zebulon Baird Saunders

Zeb Saunders was a lawyer and "afraid of neither man, devil, nor Judge... ready to fight at the drop of a hat"

Zebulon Baird Sanders was born in 1866 in Sheffield Twp., Moore County, NC and died 1932 in Newberry, SC.
He was the son of Isham Sanders and was the family "character" according family members who knew him.
He is buried in the Browns Chapel Christian Church Cemetery in Spies, Moore County, NC.

Article about Uncle Zeb that appeared in "The Moore County News" , Carthage, NC, (Oct. 20th 1932).

Zebulon Baird Sanders

Thanks to Wanda (Sanders) Dean for finding this article and providing SandersWeb a copy!
The article is on microfilm at the Moore County Public Library, Carthage, NC.