
Bishop Carl J. Sanders

Retired, United Methodist Church

Bishop Carl Julian Sanders was born in 1912, the son of Hugh T. and Annie Crowell Sanders (Rock Hill, S.C.). He was born in Star, N.C. at the home of his aunt Cora Belle (Sanders) Brewer. Rev Sanders was married to Eleanor Louise Lupo (1916-1995) and has 2 children.

Bishop Carl Sanders speaking
United Methodist Bishop Sanders speaking

Bishop Sanders portrait
Masonic Portrait

Bishop Carl J. Sanders has served as a minister and a Mason for over half a century, receiving his 50-year Masonic pin in 1987 in his home Lodge, Shades Valley No. 829 of Homewood, Alabama. He received the Grand Cross, the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry's highest honor, at the 1991 Biennial Session of the Supreme Council, 33°.

Carl with brothers and sister at the H. T. Sanders family reunion - 1974

movie 1

Ed And Bishop Sanders
Ed and Bishop Sanders on his 90th birthday at the H. T. Sanders Family reunion (2002)

A recent photo

Also see: High School photo (1929), family reunion photos (2002), Biography, more photos